Elevate your Gen‑Z shopping experience

nJoy is your Gen‑Z shopping platform, made easy. See all the great things you can do for Gen-Z customers today.

Why nJoy your business?

We keep it personal with Gen-Z.

Whether you’re launching shopping to engage today's Gen-Z consumer, putting Gen-Z eCommerce in the hands of your sales team, want to engage Gen-Z on their phones, or are looking for new sales channels, we have all the tools and support you need to get it done personally with the Gen-Z audience, all in one place.

Give Gen-Z the ability to shop just as they want with you in no time.

Engage customers conversationally on their mobile devices and sell right in the conversation.

Join a neighborhood nJoy Shopper to get on local customers mobile phones - where they shop.

Plug into private nJoy sales channels to acquire customers looking to shop with peace of mind.

For Gen-Z:

Where to

Discover and shop local

fast and personally

and purchase enjoyably

on their mobile device

For your store:

How to

Connect authentically with Gen-Z

when they're shopping

treating a friend

or just want to enjoy themselves

Take a quick tour of the key features driving success on nJoy

Take a tour

Who makes nJoy Shopper so effective

The 76% of your customers who use their mobile phones to find local boutiques, and the 79% who prefer chat.

How it works

Empower your team to provide the Gen-Z shopping experience today's customers enjoy

Live chat with customers, post products in moments, and make sales right in message.

Live chat shopping

Instantly offer your customers mobile live-chat shopping

Customer engagement

Engage customers with a content rich chat experience

Fast product listing

List products in just moments right in conversation

In-message sales

Enable customers to purchase fast and easily right in chat

Deploy nJoy easily in your own app to enhance your customers' experience

Our powerful SDKs and APIs mean it’s easy to integrate nJoy into your existing apps to increase their value for customers.